We love getting unsolicited feedback from happy re+PLAY users. This one we just had to share.
Good morning Team rePlay,
Here is my pain story and a list and photo of other products that I tried with limited or no relief. I am a 59 year old man who has been dealing with Spinal Stenosis, Fibromylgia, Bursitis in both hips. The Spinal Stenosis causes nerve pain in both legs. I have chronic neck and shoulder pain. Did I mention I also play ice hockey?
I refuse to stop playing hockey. I travel about 30% of the time. Sitting in cramped airplanes and sleeping in hotels also takes its toll on me.
Prior to using rePlay, I tried the following; Bengay Regular Strength, Bengay Ulta Strength, Aspercream, Aspercream with Lidocaine Roll On, Pain Terminator, Capsaicin, Zim's Max Freeze, Bio Freeze, Icy Hot Pain Patch, Outback Pain Relief, Hempvava Gold, Blue-Emu and Pentrex Pain Cream.

rePlay provides lasting relief allowing me to sleep through the night pain free. When I have a long flight, I apply rePlay prior to heading to the airport. I can fly pain free. Only needing to pack one pain product in my carry-on makes travel a breeze. After a hockey game, I apply rePlay to my back, hips, shins, neck and shoulder area and I wake up without pain. It's like I turned the clock back 30 years.
I absolutely LOVE rePlay. I know other consumers may not believe my story. I have attached a few photos to document my story.
Feel free to use my photos and story in any manner you see fit.
Thank you,
John "Jack" Civatte